Jonny Bobsled is my man

Hey! It’s my first blog attempt. I’m excited. There’s something about posting something useless about something that no one will read, which makes me wonder what the purpose of blogs are. I mean, message boards seem fine and good things of discussion, but blogs seem more ‘definitive’, if you could call it that. I like how you can only make mere “comments”, rather than “replies” on a message board which indicates more involving your opinion. Also, if they’re useless and no one reads them why do them at all? Who’s the audience we’re writing to? Especially if they’re a private thing.

So yeah. I’m excited though. I’ve blogged away! This is my definitive say. You can comment, but I’m the special person who owns this post.

One Comment

  1. Posted 7 October 2005 at 8:18 pm | Permalink

    Blogs aren’t message boards. Message boards allows anyones opinion to be discussed.

    With a blog, one person (or in the case of this blog, four people) puts out their opinion and people can comment on it. But they themselves can’t put out their own opinion, other then to discuss what is in the original blog message.