Travelling it up again!

The MON team is at it again. Three members, Dex, Devslashtux and myself will be back in New Zealand in August this year.

And this time we’re travelling together.

Three members of the MON team, together in a foreign country.

New Zealand won’t know what hit it!

Of course we’ll keep you all post with plenty of trip reports and photos when we return. (Which is a long way off since we aren’t leaving until August)


  1. Posted 28 March 2006 at 4:36 pm | Permalink

    Well hit them like a flying Marx Brothers tribute band reentering the Earths atmosphere after another successful tour of the Venusian highlands during winter.

    Or more likely, New Zealand will truly become the middle of nowhere and everyone there will be asking “where the bloddy hell are we!”

  2. Snaykeemcgee
    Posted 5 April 2006 at 9:35 pm | Permalink

    Bleg. I’ve spent ages looking for a quote by Chico Marx in one of the said Brothers’ movies which I believe is Monkey Business (although the internet ‘transcripts’ don’t seem to have it).

    I’m not going to try and repeat it from memory. It just can’t be done with a Marx Brothers’ quote. So relevent, so funny, so annoying that I can’t find it.